Home of Mama Pajama!
Mama Pajama LOVES Her FANS!
She celebrates more than a Decade of Pure Fun!
Thank YOU for your support!
Mama Pajama thanks all of her friends and fans throughout the years for their amazing support! She is excited to announce her new and exciting journey with brand new fun music and books!
Keep checking back and watch the pages turn.
As the pandemic presented many unique challenges to everyone, performers, artists, musicians, actors and the entirety of the creative community, Mama Pajama and her team wish all all of them and all of her friends and fans safety, peace and love!
Mama Pajama has received many inquiries about when audiences can expect her to resume live musical performances and what she has been up to since the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic began. While she has not had many live musical performances, she has continued to write and record and anticipates releases of some of her songs and books in the near future. Mama Pajama will be doing some limited performances in Summer 2022. Check back in on this site for more updates.
In the meantime, Mama's website will be available for you to enjoy her music. Feel free to her a line! She'd love to hear from you!
For Booking Mama Pajama, please call: (315) 752-9565.
To contact Mama Pajama's publisher for inquiries about her books or licensing, please call:
Dream Girl Publishing (315) 887-4088.
Keep checking back and watch the pages turn.
As the pandemic presented many unique challenges to everyone, performers, artists, musicians, actors and the entirety of the creative community, Mama Pajama and her team wish all all of them and all of her friends and fans safety, peace and love!
Mama Pajama has received many inquiries about when audiences can expect her to resume live musical performances and what she has been up to since the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic began. While she has not had many live musical performances, she has continued to write and record and anticipates releases of some of her songs and books in the near future. Mama Pajama will be doing some limited performances in Summer 2022. Check back in on this site for more updates.
In the meantime, Mama's website will be available for you to enjoy her music. Feel free to her a line! She'd love to hear from you!
For Booking Mama Pajama, please call: (315) 752-9565.
To contact Mama Pajama's publisher for inquiries about her books or licensing, please call:
Dream Girl Publishing (315) 887-4088.
Audition Information to come in 2022!
Audition Information to come in 2022!
If you have photos or video with Mama Pajama, please email them to [email protected] for submission.